Friday, December 26, 2008

Read a paper from Lincoln D Stein

Read a opinion paper from Lincoln, 'Bioinformatics: alive and kicking'. Lincoln now is now in Canada.
His genome browser is now widely used.
In this paper he threw out his new opinion about bioinformatics: " Stronger than ever", however he predicted the bioinformatics would gone in 2012 six years ago.
One important idea in this paper is that he now suggests a mode of combination of web lab and dry lab. That is actually the direction our lab heading to. The thing is that I not against the combination, on the other hand, I do think it is a quite well idea, but I am still not sure the financial support and manpower can be easily satisfied in Chinese, especially our lab.
A good news is my mimosa budded.

Saturday, December 20, 2008



Sunday, December 7, 2008


现在舒服多了,有了一个在角落的靠窗的座。空间大了,旁边有窗户,感觉很好,窗沿上还可以摆一些花花草草的,这个非常棒啊。然后跟实验室(web lab)也分家了。实验室重心估计会继续向那边倾斜,不过都没有关系了。现在我在的房间要安静多了,因为以前骚扰我的大冰箱什么的都被挤在web lab了,哈哈。不过苦了在web lab坐的同志们了~(同情一下)

Sunday, November 16, 2008



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

learn more Perl

I do think I need learn more Perl now. The fact is I lack basic kownledge in programming as a student of biological background. It is true most of my codes are shit, unreadable, not robust and efficient, and hard to maintain.
Thus I am reading the book <> now, hoping I cam improve~

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Reading 《Writing and Presenting in the English》

Today I read a brochure named 《Writing and Presenting in the English: The Rosetta Stone of Science》. It is a very small book.
And I found several interesting points.
1. Using more contemporary writing, and less passive structures. Thus the following verbs should not appear in one's paper frequently:
There: there is, there are, there were, there has been, etc.
It: It was, It is, It has been, etc.
2. transition verbs:
<1>smoothers: furthermore, in addition, first, finally, lastly, moreover, incidentally, in fact, in truth, as a matter of fact, for example, such as, next, then
<2>contradictors: but, however, instead, nevertheless, despite, surprisingly, in spite of, in contrast, for comparison
<3>explainers: because, as a result, therefore, in general, consequently, as predicted, in conclusion, since, as , for, finally
#### dated transitions: as was mentioned earlier, the aforementioned, the authors would like to say. So do NOT use them! ####

Friday, October 31, 2008

science paper from Wen jiabao

It is at
xzhou told me this thing, and I am reading~
The only thing I hope is that the Chinese government will do something in supporting science development rather than just yelling ~hoho...


写了一封tiling array 分析方法总结给老板,长长的篇幅就为了说明一个问题,哥的台机的内存太小了!效果不错,说让我现先别做了,等搬了新楼给我配新的。不知是真是假,但是还是很高兴啊,心花怒放,得意~

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

